Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Susan Successfully Solved Her Dog's Nipping, Chewing And Separation Anxiety Issues

"My husband and I adopted Jack (a one year old male Pug/Chihuahua mix) three months ago from a shelter (we are his third home in a year) and to put it mildly he was 20 pounds of terror-- dominate, nipping, chewing and also had separation anxiety issues. He quickly earned the name 'Jack The Nipper'.

I read a couple of books about dogs behaving badly, but felt that I needed a step-by-step approach to correct Jack's unpleasant behavior. I researched the internet and came across SitStayFetch, which I quickly downloaded, printed and read in one evening.

I immediately started with the Alpha Dog lessons and got across to Jack that I am the Alpha Mommy. I had no idea that doing something as simple as making him sit before I put his bowl of food down would make a difference in how Jack viewed me.

Jack has made great progress. He has become confident, less anxious and likes to practice commands every day. We still need to work on a few areas, but it's only been less than three months! Jack is much happier knowing that we are the pack leaders who protect, feed and love him.

I recommend SitStayFetch to everyone who has a dog as a companion. I have learned so much about dog behaviors and how to respond accordingly without yelling or intimidating. Thanks Dan for writing such a great learning tool!"
-- Susan Caruso (USA)

Kind regards,

Daniel Stevens and the SitStayFetch Team

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